Guidelines for Authors

Article types

  • EJIS publishes academically rigorous, peer-reviewed papers of 9-12,000 words (including references) that significantly advance scholarship through original analysis of a salient policy issue, the exploitation of new data, and/or the innovative development and application of theory.
  • The  EJIS will also be home to occasional high-impact special issues and an annual book review symposium, as well as hosting a regular Junior-Senior dialogue section.
  • Submissions to the annual book review symposium should be no longer than 10,000 words (including references). 
  • Submissions to the Junior-Senior dialogue should comprise an initial paper by a junior scholar of 8,000 words (including references), followed by a response from a senior scholar of no more than 3,000 word (including references) and a reply from the junior scholar of no more than 2,000 words (including references).
  • It is the author’s responsibility to provide the editors with an accurate total word count for all articles on submission.
  • Each paper must contain a single-paragraph abstract as well as a keyword set of between four and six words.

Peer Review Policy

The European Journal of International Security employs a two stage review process.

All manuscripts are initially read by two members of the editorial team, who together decide whether the submission should be sent out for external review. The purpose of this desk review phase is to swiftly identify those submissions we believe to be unsuitable for the EJIS for reasons of quality, remit or area of focus, and to return these to contributors with the minimum of disruption and delay. Ordinarily, we expect to make desk review decisions within two weeks of submission. 

Papers that are accepted through the desk review process will normally be sent out to three external reviewers. Our aim is to come back to contributors with a decision or recommendation within 12 weeks of submission. 

The EJIS adheres to a double blind peer-reviewing policy for external review in which the identity of the reviewer and the author are always concealed from both parties.

Manuscript Style

Only electronic files conforming to the journal’s guidelines will be accepted. Preferred formats for the text and tables of your manuscript are Word DOC, RTF, XLS. LaTeX files are also accepted. Please also refer to additional guidelines on submitting artwork below.

The text should be double-spaced throughout and with a minimum of 3cm for left and right hand margins and 5cm at head and foot. Text should be standard 10 or 12 point. The EJIS uses footnotes: these should be amalgamated and signalled serially within each article by superscript numerals. References should give full biographical details, including place of publication and publisher, at first mention. Thereafter the author’s surname and date of publication should be used. If there is more than one author reference for the same year, please use a., b., etc. to differentiate between them.


Footnotes should be typed in the form of the following examples:

1. Lawrence Freedman, The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy (London: Macmillan, 1981), pp. 51-3
2. Freedman (1981) p. 152, emphasis added/emphasis in original.
3. Bruce Cumings, ‘Japan and the Asian Periphery’, in Melvyn P. Leffler and David S. Painter (eds), Origins of the Cold War (London: Routledge, 1994), pp. 226-9.
4. Simon Turner, ‘Hegemony and other US power strategies’, in Martin Adler (ed.), Time and Place, 2:6 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), pp. 195-8, ch. 9, fn. 23.
5. Alan Ford, ‘Numbers and Symbols’, New York Times (13 May 1987).
6. Maria Baker, ‘The evolution of cats and dogs’, BBC News, available at: {} accessed 23 June 2007.
7. Cumings (1994), p. 216
8. J. P. Cornford, ‘The Illusion of Decision’, British Journal of Political Science, 4:2 (1974), pp. 231-43.
9. George W. Bush, ‘Speech to the United Nations’, Geneva (11 November 2007).
10. Tania Thomas, ‘What do we do now’, trans. Eric Sherman (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 19.


Contributors are encouraged to include up to two levels of subheading in articles to provide ‘signposts’ for readers.

Corresponding author contact details

Full contact details will be required on submission of the article, please do not include author or contact details on the article itself.


Any acknowledgements should appear first at the end of your article prior to your Declaration of Conflicting Interests (if applicable), any notes and your References.

Artwork, figures and other graphics: For guidance on the preparation of illustrations, pictures and graphs in electronic format, please visit the Cambridge University Press website. If, together with your accepted article, you submit usable colour figures, these figures will appear in colour online regardless of whether or not these illustrations are reproduced in colour in the printed version. If a charge applies you will be informed by your CUP Production Editor. For specifically requested colour reproduction in print, you will receive information regarding the costs from CUP after receipt of your accepted article.

Journal contributor’s publishing agreement

Contributors of accepted articles will be asked to assign their copyright, on certain conditions, to the British International Studies Association so that their interest may be safeguarded.


Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. Any permissions fees must be paid for by the author.

Datasets and supplemental files

It should be possible for data to be made accessible to article reviewers, should they wish to see it. All authors of quantitative empirical articles are encouraged to make the data available for data replication purposes. EJIS can host such data on the journal’s website, and authors wishing to avail themselves of this facility should supply all files electronically once an article has been accepted for publication.

Required materials typically include all data used for the analysis, specialized computer programs or the source code of these algorithms, program recodes and a file which details what is included in the data set and how the results can be reproduced. Confidential material such as the names of survey respondents must be removed. All material will be published on the website of the journal together with the online version of the article. Authors will be responsible for responding to enquiries about data replication. Other types of supplemental material including, but not limited to, images, videos, podcasts and slideshows can be hosted on the EJIS website.

English Language Editing Services

Authors, particularly those whose first language is not English, may wish to have their English-language manuscripts checked by a native speaker before submission. This is optional, but may help to ensure that the academic content of the paper is fully understood by the editor and any reviewers.

The Cambridge University Press website lists a number of third-party services specialising in language editing and / or translation, and suggests that authors contact as appropriate. Please note that the use of any of these services is voluntary, and at the author’s own expense. Use of these services does not guarantee that the manuscript will be accepted for publication, nor does it restrict the author to submitting to a Cambridge University Press-published journal.

After Acceptance

All authors will receive an electronic version of proofs of their article to correct and return. All authors will receive a PDF of their final article.

Open Access

European Journal of International Security has an open access policy that ensures it is in compliance with the growing number of open access (OA) mandates being put in place by governments, universities and funding bodies around the world. To this end, authors whose articles are accepted for publication are able to post their accepted manuscript* on their personal/departmental websites and their institution’s digital repository as soon as they receive a positive decision from the Editors. Immediate posting of this version is also permitted in non-commercial subject repositories. A link to the final publisher-produced ‘version of record’ should be included once the article has been through the production process and is up on the Cambridge University Press EJIS website.

This policy means that EJIS authors can achieve full compliance with all existing OA policies including those of the RCUK and HEFCE in the UK, the EU’s Horizon 2020 funding programme and the Australian Research Council. The HEFCE policy, which was announced in March 2014, relates to articles accepted for publication after April 1st 2016. To be eligible for inclusion in the next REF assessment, papers must be deposited in the author’s institutional repository no more than three months after they have been accepted for publication. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that this action is undertaken.

If you or your funder wish your article to be freely available online to non-subscribers immediately upon publication (‘gold’ open access), you can opt for it to do so subject to payment of an article processing charge (APC). The manuscript submission and peer review procedure is unchanged. On acceptance of your article, you will be asked to let Cambridge University Press know directly if you are choosing this option. More information about the APC price and licensing choices can be found on the Cambridge University Press website.

*The ‘accepted manuscript’ is defined as the fully peer-reviewed version of a paper at the point where it has been accepted for publication by the journal editors but before it is sent to the publisher for copyediting and typesetting.

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